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haul verb to pull with force.
haunted adjective having ghosts or other spirits in it. A haunted house.
hawk noun one of a group of birds that hunt animals for food. Falcons, buzzards, and vultures are all hawks.
hay noun grass that has been cut and dried to be fed to animals. Hay is often stored in large heaps called haystacks. Hay is often hung in a net for horses to eat.
hazard noun a risk or dangerous obstacle. Icy pavements are a hazard to pedestrians in winter.
head noun the part of your body that contains your brain, and is where your ears, eyes, nose, and mouth are.
headache noun a pain in your head.
headlight noun a light at the front of a vehicle, used when driving at night.
headline noun the title of a report in a newspaper Have you seen the headlines today?
headphones noun a device worn over the ears that is used for listening to the radio or to recorded music.
healthy adjective well and strong.
heap noun v1 a collection of things lying on top of each other. She left her clothes in a heap on the chair. jtoy
hear verb to notice a sound. Did you hear that bird?
heart noun the organ in your chest that pumps blood around your body
heat verb to make or become warmer. We heated some water.
heave verb v1 to lift, pull, or throw something with a lot of effort. He heaved the sack onto the back of the truck.
heavy adjective v1 weighing a large amount. a heavy stone
hedge noun a line of bushes grown so that they make a boundary between two places.
hedgehog noun a small, noctural mammal covered in spines. Hedgehogs hunt for insects and small animals. They roll into a ball when they feel threatened.
heel noun the back part of your foot.
height noun v1 the measurement of how tall or high someone or something is. He measured his height.
held verb v1 to hold I held a snake when we went to the zoo yesterday.
helicopter noun a type of aircraft that uses rotating blades to make it fly and hover.
helmet noun a strong hat, worn to protect the head. cycling helmet
help verb v1 to make something easier or better for someone.
helpless adjective unable to take care of yourself. A baby is completely helpless.
hemisphere noun one half of the world.
herb noun a plant that is used fresh or dried to flavor food or to make medicines. Two different types of herb.
herd noun v1 a group of large, grazing animals. A herd of bison.
here adverb v1 in this place. Is there a doctor here?