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grasp verb to take hold of something firmly
grass noun a plant with long, thin, green leaves. Grass is an important food for many animals.
grasshopper noun a jumping insect that feeds on plants. Grasshoppers have two sets of wings and strong back legs.
grateful adjective feeling thankful to someone because they have done something for you. She was grateful for one of his sandwiches.
grave noun a hole in the ground in which a dead body is buried.
grave adjective very serious and important.
gravel noun a mixture of tiny pieces of stone, used for covering paths and roads.
gravity noun v1 the natural force that pulls everything down toward Earth. Apples fall downward rather than upward because of gravity
gray noun a color that is a mixture of black and white.
graze verb to move around eating grass and plants, in the way that cattle and other animals do. grazing antelopes
grease noun a soft, thick oil or fat.
great adjective very big. The great trees grew over the road.
greedy adjective wanting much more of something than you need. A greedy person.
green noun v1 a color.
greenhouse noun a building made mainly of glass, used for growing plants.
greet verb to welcome someone.
greeting noun an action, or words, used when meeting someone. When we arrived, she gave us a traditional Indian greeting.
grief noun great unhappiness.
grill noun a set of metal bars for cooking food on. barbecue grill
grin verb to have a big smile.
grind verb to crush something into a powder by rubbing it. Grinding spices.
grip verb to hold on to something very firmly She gripped her briefcase.
groan verb to make a long, deep sound because you are unhappy or in pain.
groceries noun food, cleaning supplies, and other things that you buy regularly to use at home.
groom verb to make an animal clean by brushing it.
groove noun v1 a long, fine line that is cut into a flat surface.
grotesque adjective ugly and strange.
ground noun the surface of the Earth. You could see the ground from the top of the tower
group noun v1 people, animals, or things that are connected in some way. A group of schoolchildren.
grow verb v1 to become bigger. The plant grew a little more every day