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growl verb to make a long, low, angry sound deep down in the throat. The dog growled every time I came near.
growth noun v1 the way in which things change as they become older and bigger. The growth of animals and plants happens in many different ways.
grub noun grubs noun the larva of a newly hatched insect before it becomes an adult. A grub looks like a thick, soft worm.
grumble verb to complain in an angry way, usually in a quiet voice.
grunt verb to make a short sound like the noise a pig makes.
guarantee noun a promise from a company that if one of their products breaks or goes wrong they will fix or replace it. A one-year guarantee.
guard verb v1 to watch over something to keep it safe. The building was guarded at night.
guard noun v1 someone who watches over and protects something or someone. security guard
guess verb to suggest an answer to a question, without being sure it is the right one. She had to guess what she was holding
guest noun someone who stays at a house or a hotel.
guide noun someone whose job is to show people around places. The guide took us around the museum
guilty adjective having done something wrong.
guitar noun a musical instrument with six or twelve strings. You pull the strings with your fingers to make different sounds. electric guitar
gulp verb to swallow something fast or in large amounts. He gulped the drink quickly.
gum noun the firm part inside your mouth around your teeth.
gun noun v1 a weapon that shoots bullets.
gurgle verb to make small bubbling sounds in the throat. The baby gurgled when his mother tickled him.
gust noun a sudden, strong rush of wind.
gym noun a large room or building where people can play sports or exercise, often using special equipment. Gym is short for “gymnasium.”
gymnast noun a person who is skilled in gymnastics.
gymnastics noun a sport in which people perform exercises that develop physical strength and ability.
habit noun something that you usually do without thinking Biting your nails is a bad habit.
habitat noun the natural place where an animal, bird, or plant lives and grows.
hail noun frozen rain that falls in small, hard balls.
hair noun thin strands that grow on the skin of animals and people.
hairbrush noun a brush for hair.
haircut noun a style in which hair is cut. Have you seen his new haircut?
hairdresser noun someone whose job it is to cut hair.
half noun v1 one of two equal parts of something
hall noun v1 a corridor or small room at the entrance of a house.