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deadly adjective able to kill. A scorpion’s sting is deadly.
deaf adjective not able to hear well or not able to hear at all.
dear adjective loved very much. A dear friend.
debt noun money or a favor that you owe to someone.
decade noun a period of 10 years. The decade of 1920 to 1929.
decay verb v1 to rot away. Your teeth will decay if you don’t take care of them.
deceive verb to trick a person into thinking something is true when it isn’t.
decibel noun a unit of measurement that shows how loud a sound is.
decide verb to make up your mind. He couldn’t decide what to eat.
deciduous adjective losing leaves every year.
decimal adjective counting numbers and parts of numbers in tens. A decimal number.
deck noun one of the floors of a ship.
declare verb to say something to everyone. The judges declared the winner at the end of the competition.
decline verb v1 to decrease or get worse. His health declined steadily.
decorate verb to make something look better by painting it or by adding extra things to it. Decorating a room for a party
decrease verb to become smaller. The number of whales in the world is decreasing.
deep adjective going down a long way from the surface. A deep well.
deer noun a mammal with hooves that eats grass and leaves. A male deer is called a stag and has large, branching horns called antlers. A female deer is called a doe.
defeat verb v1 to win a game or a battle against someone. She defeated her brother at chess.
defend verb to protect or guard. Birds stay with their eggs to defend them from attackers.
define verb to describe accurately what something means.
definite adjective certain and clear. Are you definite about that?
degree noun v1 a unit used to measure temperature and angles. The symbol for a degree is °.
delay verb to take place later than expected. The airplane’s departure was delayed for seven hours.
delete verb v1 to remove something. word deleted
deliberately adverb on purpose. He deliberately pushed me.
delicate adjective v1 easily broken or damaged. Delicate butterfly wings.
delicious adjective tasting very nice. The ice cream was delicious.
delighted adjective very pleased. He was delighted with his birthday present.
deliver verb v1 to bring something to someone. They delivered the new sofa this morning. jtoy