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cycle verb v1 to ride a bicycle.
cycle noun v1 changes that happen regularly in a particular order. The life cycle of a butterfly.
cyclone noun a tropical storm with very strong winds.
cylinder noun a solid or hollow object with circular ends and straight sides
cymbal noun a round, hollow, brass musical instrument that makes a loud, clashing sound when hit.
daffodil noun a plant that grows from a bulb and has a large, trumpet-shaped flower at the end of each stem.
dagger noun a knife with a short, sharp, pointed blade, that is used as a weapon.
daily adverb v1 every day. Letters are delivered daily.
dairy noun a place where milk and cream are stored and butter and cheese are made.
daisy noun a common plant with white or pink flowers. Daisies close their petals when it is dark. Some kinds of daisy are wild, while others are grown as garden plants.
dam noun a wall built across a river or stream to hold back the flow of water.
damage verb v1 to harm something. The collision damaged the front of the boat.
damp adjective slightly wet or moist. A damp towel.
dance verb to move around to music.
dandelion noun a common, wild plant with a thick root and a single yellow flower on each stem. Fine hairs attached to the seeds mean that the seeds are easily blown away by the wind.
danger noun v1 a situation that might be harmful to you.
dare verb to challenge someone to do something frightening to show they are not afraid.
dark adjective v1 with little or no light. The street was dark away from the streetlights.
dash verb v1 to run very quickly for a short distance. I dashed onto the platform, but the train had just left.
data noun facts and figures about something.
database noun a large amount of information stored in a computer.
date noun the day, month, and year. a sweet, sticky fruit with a pit in the middle.
daughter noun a person’s female child.
dawdle verb to move or do things slowly. Stop dawdling!
dawn noun v1 the early part of the day when it starts to become light.
day noun v1 the part of the day when it is light.
dazed adjective not able to think clearly. He has a dazed look in his eyes.
dazzle verb to shine a bright light into someone’s eyes so that they find it difficult to see.
dead adjective v1 no longer living. dead leaves
dead noun v1 a time when everything is still and quiet. The dead of night.