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coward noun a person who is easily scared.
crab noun a shellfish with 10 legs and a soft body protected by a hard covering. The front pair of legs end in claws, which the crab uses to catch its prey.
crack verb to become damaged so that it splits, but does not break. The mirror cracked when he dropped it.
cracker noun a thin, dry biscuit often eaten with cheese.
crackle verb to make sharp, snapping noises.
craft noun an activity that requires skill.
crane noun a machine that lifts and moves heavy objects.
crash verb to fall or collide with a loud noise. The tray of china crashed to the floor.
crate noun an open container for storing and carrying things, usually bottles.
crawl verb to move along on your hands and knees. Most babies crawl before they learn to walk.
crayfish noun a spiny shellfish that looks like a small lobster. Crayfish live under stones during the day and hunt for small fish and insects at night.
crazy adjective foolish or strange.
creak verb to make a low, squeaking sound. The door creaked open.
cream noun the oily part of milk that rises to the top. Cream is often used to make sweets and desserts.
crease noun a line or fold, usually made in cloth or paper.
create verb to design and make something. She created a beautiful painting.
creature noun any living thing.
creek noun a small, narrow inlet or bay in the coast.
creep verb to walk forward very slowly and quietly. The cat crept up on the birds.
crew noun the people who work on a ship or airplane.
cricket noun a jumping insect that eats plants. Crickets rub their wings together to make a singing sound. They have long back legs for jumping.
cried verb to cry The baby cried all last night.
crime noun an activity that is against the law. Murder is a very serious crime.
criminal noun a person who takes part in a crime.
crisp adjective dry and easily broken into pieces. crisp cookies
criticize verb to say what you think is wrong with something. He was upset when I criticized his painting.
crocodile noun a reptile that lives on land and in water. Crocodiles are fierce hunters and hunt at night for fish, mammals, and frogs.
crop noun a vegetable or plant that is grown on a farm for food. The potato crop.
cross verb v1 to go over something, from one side to another. Crossing the street. jtoy
cross noun v1 an object or sign made by two lines crossing each other.