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notice noun attention. Take no notice of them
nursery noun a place where trees and plants are grown and sold.
nut noun a small piece of metal with a hole in it that is screwed onto a bolt.
occasion noun a time when something happens I have flown in an airplane on two occasions.
occupy verb v0 to take up a space or live in a place. The company occupied the top two floors of the building.
occupy verb v0 to control a place by force. The army occupied the city
occur verb to come into your mind. That never occurred to me.
odd adjective not belonging to a pair or a set of things. Wearing odd socks
odd adjective any number that cannot be divided exactly by two.
offend adjective to break a law.
oil adjective a greasy substance that is found in the seeds and fruits of some plants This type of oil is often used for cooking
old adjective v0 having existed for a long time
only adverb v0 no more than Only five of us went to the park.
open adjective v0 with plenty of space, or not closed in Open fields.
operate verb to perform surgery in a hospital.
opposite noun v0 completely different. Tall is the opposite of short.
orange noun a juicy fruit with a tough skin.
order noun v0 a request for something in a store or restaurant.
order verb v0 a way that things are placed or arranged. Alphabetical order.
organ noun a part inside your body that does a particular job Your heart is an organ.
out adverb v0 into view The Sun came out from behind the cloud.
out adverb v0 no longer lit. Blow the candle out.
pack verb v0 to fit in as much as possible. The hall was packed with people.
pack noun v0 a group of similar animals or objects Pack of cards.
pad noun a thick piece of soft material
pad noun the soft, fleshy parts on an animal’s paw.
paddle verb to walk around in shallow water.
palm noun a tree without branches that grows in hot regions. Palms have long leaves that grow from the top of the trunk
part noun v0 a role in a play She played the part of the queen in the play.
particular adjective v0 special, or careful. Take particular care of that!