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forest noun a very large area of trees.
forget verb to not remember something. I forgot my sister’s birthday.
forgive verb to stop blaming or being angry with someone for something they said or did. I forgave my brother for losing my favorite CD.
fork noun v1 a tool with two or more narrow spikes that is used for lifting things. table fork
forward adverb v1 moving toward the front. He fell forward onto his hands.
fossil noun the remains or print of a plant or animal that died many years ago. Fossils are found preserved in rocks.
foster verb to give a home for a period of time to a child who comes from another family. They have fostered three children in the past two years.
fought verb to fight The team fought back, but in the end they lost the game.
found verb v1 to find She found her wallet this morning.
fountain noun a statue or structure that sprays water up into the air.
fox noun a mammal that belongs to the dog family and lives in the countryside and in towns. Foxes eat small animals, birds, and scraps from garbage cans.
fraction noun a number that is part of a whole number. One-third is a fraction.
fracture verb v1 to break. The X-ray showed where the bone had fractured.
fragile adjective v1 delicate and easily broken. fragile coral
frame noun a structure that surrounds the edge of something, holding it in place. A picture frame.
frantic adjective very upset and excited, because of fear, worry, or pain. The frantic animal tried to escape from its cage.
freckle noun a small, light brown spot on the skin.
free adjective costing no money Please accept this free gift.
freedom noun being free. The freedom to do as you like.
freeze verb to reach such a low, cold temperature that a liquid becomes a solid. The lake froze in winter.
freezer noun a machine that freezes food so that it can be stored for a long time without spoiling.
freight noun goods that are carried by road, rail, sea, or air. freight train
frequent adjective happening often. There is a frequent train service to the city.
fresh adjective v1 new, not stale or preserved. fresh parsley
friend noun someone whom you like and who likes you.
frighten verb to make someone feel afraid. She was always trying to frighten her brother.
fringe noun a border made up of loose, hanging pieces of material or thread.
frog noun an amphibian with no tail that lives in or near water. Frogs eat spiders, worms, small fish, and insects. They begin life as fishlike tadpoles.
front noun the part of something that faces forward. front of a truck
frontier noun the border between two regions or countries, especially if one of them is wild and unknown.