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fish noun v1 a cold-blooded animal that lives in the water, breathes through gills, and is usually covered in scales. Most fish have streamlined shapes. Fish eat other water animals and plants.
fish verb v1 to try to catch fish.
fist noun the shape your hand makes when you curl up your fingers and thumb tightly.
fit verb v1 to be the right size or shape. She checked to see if the skirt fit her.
fit adjective v1 healthy.
fix verb to mend something. Fixing a car engine.
fizzy adjective full of bubbles. A fizzy drink.
flag noun a piece of cloth with a design that represents a country or an organization Flags are often flown from flagpoles.
flake noun a small, thin piece of something. flakes of pastry
flame noun a bright point of burning gas in a fire.
flammable adjective catching fire easily.
flap verb v1 to hang or swing loosely. The laundry flapped in the wind.
flash noun a sudden, bright light. A flash of lightning.
flask noun a container for liquids that usually has a narrow top and a tight-fitting lid. laboratory flask
flat adjective v1 level or even. A flat roof.
flatten verb to make something flat. The car ran over the can, flattening it.
flavor noun the taste of food or drink. This dessert has an orange flavor.
flea noun a very small, jumping insect without wings that sucks the blood of humans and animals.
flew verb to fly He flew to France yesterday.
flexible adjective easy to bend. A flexible ruler.
flick verb to touch or hit something in a quick, light way. The horse flicked the flies away with its tail.
flight noun the action of flying. A parakeet in flight.
fling verb to throw something suddenly and forcefully. He flung his shoes into the corner.
float verb to rest on the surface of water or another liquid without sinking.
flock noun a group of birds, or animals such as sheep or goats. A flock of geese.
flood verb v1 to cover an area that is normally dry with a large amount of water. The river burst its banks, flooding the town.
floodlight noun a large, bright lamp that is used at night to light up an open area, usually outside.
floor noun v1 a surface that you walk on inside a building. A marble floor.
florist noun a person who sells and arranges flowers.
flour noun a powder made by crushing grain such as wheat. Flour is used in baked goods such as bread and cakes.