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piece noun v1 a bit or a part of something A piece of cheese
pier noun a long platform built out into the sea for people to walk along or to tie boats to.
pig noun an animal with a blunt snout and a curly tail that is kept on farms to provide meat, such as pork, ham, and bacon
pigeon noun a bird that is common in both town and countryside. Pigeons mainly eat berries, fruits, and seeds. Some pigeons can be trained to deliver messages
pigment noun a colored powder that is mixed with other substances to make paint.
pile noun v1 a group of things resting or lying one on top of the other.
pill noun a small piece of medicine that is swallowed whole.
pillow noun a soft pad for resting your head on in bed.
pilot noun a person who controls and flies an aircraft.
pin noun a small piece of metal with a sharp point at one end, used to fasten pieces of cloth together.
pinch verb to squeeze someone’s skin between your finger and thumb
pine noun an evergreen tree that has needle-shaped leaves and produces cones.
pineapple noun a tropical fruit with a tough, scaly skin and a sprout of spiky, green leaves at the top
pink noun v1 a color made by mixing red and white together
pipe noun v1 a tube through which liquids and gases can flow.
pirate noun someone who attacks and robs ships or boats at sea.
pit noun v1 a deep hole in the ground. a coal mine.
pitch noun a throw of a ball, or the throw to a batter in baseball. the highness or lowness of a musical note, musical instrument, or a human voice.
pitiful adjective making you feel sad or full of pity. A pitiful sight.
pity noun a feeling of sadness for someone because they are unhappy or in pain.
pizza noun a round, flat piece of dough with tomato, cheese, and other foods on top that is baked in an oven.
place noun v1 a particular area. They won the first, second, and third places in the race.
place verb v1 to put something in a position. He placed the vase in the center of the table.
plain adjective ordinary, or not fancy Her dress was very plain
plain noun a large area of flat land.
plan noun v1 a map or drawing of an area, such as a room, building, or town. A plan of an apartment
plan verb v1 to decide how you are going to do something.
planet noun one of the huge spheres of rock and gas that revolve around the Sun. The eight planets in our solar system are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune
plant verb to put a seed, bulb, or plant into the soil so that it will grow Planting a window box
plant noun a living thing that cannot move around like animals do, and that makes its own food. Some plants grow in the ground, while others grow in water. Plants usually have a stem, leaves, flowers, and roots.