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motorist noun a person who drives a car regularly.
mound noun v1 a small hill, or a pile. There is a mound of dirt at the end of the mole’s tunnel
mountain noun v1 an area of land that rises up to a great height.
mourn verb to be sad because someone has died.
mouse noun a small, furry mammal from the rodent family. Mice have large front teeth that they use to gnaw food. Mice mainly eat plants, but sometimes they eat small animals and insects, too.
mouth noun v1 the opening in your face that you use for eating and talking.
move verb v1 to go from one place to another, or to make something change position.
moving adjective v1 making you feel emotions, especially sympathy
movie noun a moving picture.
mow verb to cut grass. Mowing the lawn.
mud noun soft, wet earth.
muddle noun a confusing or messy situation.
mug noun a large cup without a saucer.
multiply verb v1 to increase a number or an amount of something by adding it to itself several times. Nine multiplied by five equals forty-five.
munch verb to make a crunching noise while eating something Munching lettuce.
murder verb to kill someone deliberately
murmur noun a quiet, whispering sound
muscle noun the fleshy parts of your body that help it to move.
museum noun a place where objects from other times and places, or of special interest, are displayed.
mushroom noun a common fungus that grows in warm, damp areas. . Some mushrooms can be eaten, but others are poisonous.
music noun the sound that people make when they sing or play musical instruments.
musical instrument noun an instrument for making music, usually played by hitting, blowing, or pulling or hitting strings.
musician noun a person who sings, plays a musical instrument, or writes music.
Muslim noun a person who believes in and follows the Islamic religion.
shaggy adjective having long, rough, untidy hair.
mussel noun a type of shellfish that is edible. Some mussels live in the sea, while others live in lakes and streams.
must verb to have to do something. I must mail her birthday present today.
mustard noun a spicy powder or sauce made from mustard seeds and used to add flavor to food.
mutiny noun a rebellion by the crew of a ship or by soldiers in an army against the people in charge.
mutter verb to talk in a low voice. I can’t hear when you mutter.