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local having to do with the area near to a place. The local paper showed a picture of the flood.
locate to be in a particular place. The company has located its main office in the city.
location the place or position of something.
lock a device that keeps something shut.
locker a small, narrow cupboard with a lock that is used for storing clothes or books.
log a thick piece of tree trunk or branch.
lonely feeling sad and alone. He was lonely with no one to play with.
long v1 having great length.
look v1 to use your eyes to see something Looking up.
loose not firmly fastened or held.
lose verb to no longer have something. She has lost her shoe
loud noisy Loud music
loudspeaker noun a device that turns electrical signals into sound.
love verb to like someone or something very much.
low v1 near the ground. A low table.
lower verb v1 to let something down to the ground carefully. The load was lowered onto the pile.
luck noun something that happens to you by chance, without being planned. I had the good luck to win a free vacation.
luggage noun cases and bags containing your clothes and other things that you carry when you travel.
lukewarm not very warm The hot water system wasn’t working properly, so he had to have a lukewarm shower.
lull verb to calm someone. He lulled the baby to sleep
lullaby noun a song that is sung to help children to fall asleep.
luminous glowing in the dark. A deep-sea fish with luminous markings
lump noun v1 a rough piece of something A lump of coal.
lunch noun a meal eaten in the middle of the day.
lung noun one of a pair of organs inside your body that you use for breathing
luxury noun something that is expensive. The new car was a luxury.
lyrics noun the words to a song
machine noun a piece of equipment that is made up of several parts. The parts move together to do a particular job. A food processor is a useful machine.
machinery noun machines in general
mad very angry