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cellar noun an underground room.
cell phone noun a handheld mobile telephone that connects to other telephones by radio waves. She is speaking on her cell phone.
cement noun a clay powder that becomes hard when mixed with water.
centipede noun a tiny, blind animal with many pairs of legs that lives in dark places. They paralyze their prey with a poisonous bite.
central adjective in the middle. The tomato is in a central position.
century noun a period of a hundred years. The building is several centuries old.
cereal noun a grain crop grown on farms. Wheat, rye, barley, and oats are cereals.
certain adjective sure, or definite. Are you certain this is the right train?
certificate noun a piece of paper that proves certain facts. She received a certificate for passing her math exam.
chain noun metal loops joined together to make a strong cable.
chair noun a piece of furniture for sitting on.
chalk noun a soft, white rock made from the fossils of tiny seashells.
challenge verb to ask someone to try to do something better than you. He challenged her to a race.
chameleon noun a type of lizard that lives in trees in hot regions and eats insects, rodents, and small birds. Chameleons can change color to match their surroundings.
champion noun someone who is the best at a sport.
chance noun v1 an opportunity, or possibility. He was given the chance to study abroad.
change verb to become different or to make something different. Tadpoles change into frogs.
change noun small amounts of money.
channel noun a passage or track for water to flow along.
chaos noun complete confusion.
chapter noun a section of a book.
character noun what a person is like. A miserable character.
charity noun an organization that gives aid to those who need it. The Red Cross is a charity.
chart noun a map or diagram that provides information. A pie chart showing popular forms of transportation.
chase verb to run after something or somebody. jtoy
cheap adjective not costing much money. a cheap ring
cheat verb to trick someone, or to be dishonest so that you have an advantage over them.
check verb v1 to look at something to make sure it is all right.
check noun v1 a pattern of regular squares in different colors, often on cloth or paper. jtoy
cheek noun the side of your face below your eye.