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drill noun a practice. Fire drill.
drop noun v0 a long way down. It was a big drop from the bridge to the river below.
drug noun an illegal chemical substance that people take to make them feel different. Taking this kind of drug is dangerous and can kill you.
dull adjective not exciting. I thought the movie was very dull.
during preposition v0 the whole time of. During the summer months we go swimming in the sea.
ear noun the top of a cereal stalk where the seeds grow. ear of wheat
early adverb v0 before the expected time. He arrived early for the show.
earth noun the material that plants grow in.
eclipse noun a time when the Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon, hiding the Moon’s light. An eclipse of the Moon.
enemy noun the opposing country or army during a time of war.
grain noun the pattern in wood. different wood grains
energy adjective the power or ability of something to make something else work. Wind energy.
enter noun v0 to take part in. She entered the diving competition with her friends.
enter noun v0 to write down, as for keeping a record. I entered my name at the top of the test paper.
even adjective v0 a number that can be divided by two.
exercise verb a piece of work that practices a skill or a person’s knowledge of something. A math exercise.
experience verb knowledge or skill gained from doing something for a long time. She has years of experience.
fade verb to disappear slowly. The music faded away jtoy
fair adjective done in a way that is right and honest. Everyone gets a fair share.
fair adjective dry and sunny. Fair weather.
family noun a group of animals or plants that are related to each other. These butterflies belong to the same family
fan noun a person who is very interested and enthusiastic about something. They played to their fans.
fang noun a long, pointed tooth that meat-eating animals use for tearing up their food.
fantastic adjective very pleasing or wonderful. We had a fantastic vacation.
far adverb v0 how distant something is. She walked along a path far from the city.
fare noun What is the fare to Glasgow?
fat noun v0 an oily, solid substance that is used in cooking. Lard, oil, butter, and margarine are all fats.
fault noun a mistake that someone has made. It was my fault we were late.
fault noun a split in the Earth’s crust. The San Andreas Fault is in California.
feed verb to eat food. Caterpillars feed on leaves.