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youth noun the state of being young In my youth, I had dark hair but now it is white.
yoke noun a wooden frame that fits over the shoulders of two oxen or other work animals so that they can pull a load. The yoke keeps the animals together.
yo-yo noun a toy that spins up and down on a string.
zebra noun a striped African mammal that is part of the horse family. Zebras live in herds on open plains and eat grass and shrubs.
zero noun v1 nothing or none.
zigzag noun a line with a series of sharp turns and angles in it.
zinc noun a blue-white, brittle metal.
zipper noun a device with two rows of teeth that can be opened and closed.
zodiac noun the 12 sections into which astrologers divide the sky. Each part is represented by a sign. Zippers are used to fasten clothing or bags.
zone noun v1 an area that is divided off for a particular purpose. A no-parking zone.
zoo noun a place where people can observe and learn about animals.
zoom verb v1 to move very fast. The four motorcycles zoomed past me.
morph verb undergo or cause to undergo a gradual process of transformation jtoy
accident noun something that goes wrong by chance He spilled the juice, but it was an accident
against preposition v0 next to something, touching it Against the fence
bulb noun the rounded glass part of an electric light
sunfl ower noun a tall plant with large, yellow fl owers. The seeds can be eaten or used to make cooking oil.
ram noun a male sheep. They used the log as a ram to break down the door.
share verb to have or use together. They shared the melon.
rare adjective unusual or not common. A rare blue morpho butterfly
accordion noun a musical instrument that you squeeze to make a sound
abacus noun a frame with sliding beads, used for counting.
about preposition on the subject of. We talked about the play About to leave.
absurd adjective silly or ridiculous She looked absurd leaving for school in her pajamas.
accurate adjective exactly right A stop watch gives accurate time
abbreviation noun a short way of writing a word or a group of words “Ave.” is an abbreviation of “avenue.”
above preposition v0 over, or higher than something. Above her head
accent noun the way people say words. She had a foreign accent Café” is pronounced “kafay.”
ace noun a playing card that has one main symbol in the center
abdomen noun the part of an animal’s or a person’s body that contains the intestines and stomach