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theater noun a building where plays and shows are performed.
theft noun the act of stealing. He reported the theft of the painting to the police.
theme noun a main subject, idea, or topic. The theme of the costume party was cartoon characters.
theory noun an idea about how or why something happens. She tested her theory with scientific experiments
thermometer noun a device that measures temperature. wall thermometer
thesaurus noun a book that groups words that have similar meanings together.
thick adjective v1 large in width or depth. thick candle
thief noun a person who steals things.
thigh noun the part of your leg between your knee and your hip.
thimble noun a small, hard covering worn on the end of your finger when you are sewing. The thimble protects your finger and helps you push the needle through the fabric.
thin adjective small in width or depth. thin candle
thing noun v1 an object that is not alive.
think verb to use your mind to create ideas or opinions. She thought about what she could eat for lunch.
thirsty adjective needing something to drink. He was very thirsty after a day without water.
thistle noun a wild plant with prickly leaves and purple, white, or yellow flowers.
thorn noun a sharp spike on the stem of a plant.
thorough adjective complete in every way. He had a thorough search for his book.
thought noun an idea or opinion that you have been thinking about.
thoughtful adjective caring about other people’s feelings and needs. It was thoughtful of her to help him.
thread noun a thin yarn such as cotton or silk, that is used for sewing.
thread verb to pass a length of thread or rope through a hole in something Threading beads onto a string.
threat noun a warning that something may happen. There’s a threat of rain in the air.
thrill noun an excited feeling It was a real thrill to ride on the roller coaster.
throat noun the tube that leads from your mouth, through your neck, to your stomach and lungs.
throne noun a special chair used by a ruler of a country.
through preposition from one side or end to the other. She drove through the tunnel.
throw verb v1 to send something out of your hand and through the air forcefully
vague adjective not clear or not definite. A vague idea.
thud noun a dull sound made when a heavy object falls on something. The book dropped to the floor with a thud.
thumb noun the short, thick finger set apart from your other fingers at the side of your hand