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strand noun any thread that is twisted together with others to make a stronger line
stranded adjective unable to leave somewhere. He was left stranded on the island.
strange adjective unusual or unfamiliar.
stranger noun a person you have not seen before or who is new to a place.
strap noun a strip of leather or other material, used for fastening or holding things. shoulder strap
straw noun stalks of dried wheat or other cereal plants. Straw is used for farm animals and pets to lie on.
strawberry noun a small, red fruit that is soft and sweet and grows on a plant.
stray verb to wander away from someone or somewhere. One duckling strayed from its mother.
streak noun a long, thin mark or smear. After the football game his clothes were covered with streaks of mud.
stream noun a small river.
streamlined adjective having a smooth shape that allows quick and easy movement through air or water. This cycling helmet has a streamlined shape.
street noun a road in a city or town. What is the name of the street you live in?
strength noun v1 the quality of being strong or powerful. The weight lifter had incredible strength in his arms.
strengthen verb to make something strong or stronger. You can strengthen your muscles by exercising.
stress noun a strain on a person or thing. He is under a lot of stress.
stretch verb to pull something so that it becomes longer or bigger.
stretcher noun a light bed with handles that is used to carry someone who is hurt.
strict adjective keeping closely to the rules. The teacher was very strict.
stride verb to walk with long steps.
strike noun the action of stopping work in order to get better pay and working conditions, or to protest about something. On strike
strike verb to hit something hard. The tree was struck by lightning.
string noun a long, narrow cord used for fastening or as part of a musical instrument.
strip noun a long, narrow piece of something. A strip of paper.
stripe noun a long, narrow band of color. This swimsuit has blue stripes.
stroke verb to rub gently with the hand. He stroked the rabbit.
stroll verb to walk slowly in a relaxed way. They strolled through the woods.
strong adjective tough. A strong rope.
structure noun something that has been built. The Eiffel Tower is a tall, steel structure.
struggle verb to try hard, or to fight hard. He struggled with the math problem for a long time.
stubborn adjective determined to have your own way. A stubborn mule.